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Are you interested in a rewarding career in Insolvency? We are looking for energetic people to join our growing in team in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Read on for more details...

The new Small Business Restructure (SBR) process has been introduced to the Australian corporate landscape, and we blogged on the topic back in February 2021.

A bit of water has passed under the bridge, and the facts are, despite a few problems areas, SBR’s are now being done in increasing volumes and are successfully helping small businesses negotiate with their creditors and offer a lifeline to allow business survival.

So it is worth remembering, what is an SBR? and when are they a viable option to deal with financial distress for small business…?

The ATO is currently firing up its recovery tools to collect over $55 Billion in unpaid taxes that have accumulated over the period of the pandemic! What should an individual or director of a company do if you have accumulated a debt and now can't repay it? 

One of the most powerful tools in the ATO debt collection arsenal - a DPN. Will make a company Director personally liable for the company's PAYG, GST and Super debts.
What are they and what to do if you receive one....

A new Insolvency regime and related laws are now in place to supposedly help deal with the crisis resulting from the financial impact of Covid-19. So what is this new Small Business Restructuring option? and will it work...??

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